Those Precious Things

About the album

Scottish singer-songwriter and "Burnsong 2012" finalist Arthur Wilson presents Those Precious Things, eleven intricately crafted songs in this album of new, original and exciting material. The clarity of Wilson's signature falsetto and passionate lyricism make this album one to watch out for. You may not have heard of Arthur Wilson before - but his unique vocals will ensure you won't forget him in a hurry. Together with his sister Margo the tightness of their harmonies is breathtaking. The sounds on this album weave a rich tapestry from the people and places we all know and offer us a glimpse of the powerful emotions that propel us forward in the quest to hold onto the most precious things life has to offer. The opening track “Meet me by the Big Wheel” was one of the eleven songs shortlisted for The Gathering 2012 Burnsong competition.


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Arthur Wilson